Please read the following information about some events coming up.
Homecoming Community Pep Rally
We are so excited about our PTO meetings this year! Our first meeting is this Thursday, August 25th, at 6pm in the cafeteria. Teacher talk is something new that we feel will be beneficial to everyone! During our first meeting each grade level teacher will give a short overview of the year, expectations, upcoming projects, what parents can do to help students succeed, and more! We will also be forming grade level committees to be able to do more fun activities with our students with your help. We can't wait to tell you more about this. So, please join us and bring friends. It's going to be a great evening!
Go Leps,
La Grange Elementary PTO
Reminder please make sure your child's water bottle is not glass. This is a safety issue.
Welcome from Your School Nurse:
Info on LGISD Clear Bag Policy
Travis Street Reminder
Please make two drive thru lines off of Travis Street. See map attached.
Parents: We want to thank everyone for such a great start to the school year. Just a few reminders:
1. Please DO NOT line up for the car rider line until 2:30pm.
2. We CAN NOT ALLOW parents to walk up to get their children when students come out for the car rider line. THIS IS A SAFETY ISSUE AND SAFETY IS OUR TOP PRIORITY AT LES.
3. NO early releases after 2:30 without prior approval from Principal.
Thank you all for understanding and working with us. We will do our best to get through the car rider line as quickly and safely as possible.
Thank you, Dr. Walker
Good Afternoon! We are looking forward to the first day of school tomorrow. Being the first day of school, please expect the car rider line to move a little slower than normal. Attached you will find some reminders about transportation. We are looking forward to the 2022-2023 school year! - Dr. Walker
Back to School Reminders:
Hello LES families! If you purchased a 2021-2022 yearbook, you will be able to pick it up during the drive-thru pick-up time on Tuesday, August 9, from 4pm-8pm at the HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS.
If you are unable to make that time, you will also be able to stop by a table at the Elementary Open House on Thursday, August 11, from 3pm-6pm.
Have a great day!
Meet the Teacher: August 11, 2022 3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Please use the following link to sign up.
Welcome Letter to Parents:
Summer Lunch Program Meals. More info:
LGISD is partnering with the Fayette County Community Theatre for the first time this summer to host 2 events in the PAC - a MS/HS theatre workshop and a student play over the summer. More info:
La Grange Lady Leps Basketball Camp May 31-June 2, 2022. More info:
La Grange Soccer Camp July 18-July 20, 2022. More info:
La Grange Leopard Boys Summer Basketball Camp June20-June22, 2022. More info:
La Grange Lady Leps Volleyball Camp May 31-June 2, 2022 for 2022-2023 incoming grades 3-8. More info: