The La Grange ISD Board of Trustees meet the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm
in the La Grange ISD Board Meeting Room located at 560 North Monroe, La Grange, Texas 78945

2023-2024 School Board Meeting and Workshop Schedule
2024-2025 School Board Meeting and Workshop Schedule

School Board Policies
Please use the link below to access La Grange ISD's Board Policy Manual.

La Grange ISD's Board Policy Manual



Andy McHazlett

Tina Huenefeld
Executive Assistant to the

Superintendent and School Board

Place 1
Mr. Anthony Wessels

Place 2
Dr. Travis Ulrich

Place 3
Mrs. Mary White Gunn


Place 4
Mr. Gary Drab

Place 5
Mr. Curt Harbers

Place 6
Mr. Calvin Mersiovsky

Place 7
Dr. Karen Roberts

May 3, 2025 School Board Election Information
Internet Posting Requirements for Political Subdivisions
Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on the Ballot

Campaign Finance Reports
Title 15. Regulating Political Funds and Campaigns of the Texas Election Code regulates the acceptance of, expenditure of, and reports regarding money in political campaigns by candidates, officeholders, and political committees. La Grange ISD is the filing entity for campaign finance reports filed by candidates for trustee. The district does not assess the accuracy or completeness of reports. Questions regarding campaign finance and Title 15 should be directed to the Texas Ethics Commission (512) 463-5800. Questions regarding election law should be directed to The Texas Secretary of State. The 88th Legislature (of Texas) passed House Bill 2626, which requires all political subdivisions to post on their website all campaign finance reports filed on or after September 1, 2023. The campaign reports must be posted within 10 business days of receipt and remain on the political subdivision’s website for five years after the report is first made available. The political subdivision may redact the address (other than city, state and zip code) of any contributor before posting the report on its website. The report that includes the full address must remain available at the political subdivision’s office. The full text of HB 2626 can be found at

Campaign Finance Report for Ryan W. Kleiber - Candidate Place 6

Board Operating Procedures for Public Comment

Speaker Signup

Individuals who wish to provide public comment or address the Board at the designated time during a Board meeting must sign up and return completed a Public Comments Form by 4 PM on the day of the Board meeting. Individuals may sign up by contacting the LaGrange ISD Administration Office at 560 North Monroe / PO Box 100, La Grange, Texas 78945 - (979) 968 - 7000.

When an individual signs up, the individual must indicate whether the comment/address pertains to a Board agenda item or a non-agenda topic. The individual will also need to indicate on which item(s) he/she will be making comment on or the topic on which his/her address to the board will be on.

Additionally, individuals who will be accompanied by a translator must notify the District at the time of signup.

Topic of Public Comment

At meetings other than regular Board meetings (Ex... Special Meetings), public comments are limited to items on the posted meeting notice and agenda. At regular meetings, comments on other topics may be allowed as time permits. Public comments should be limited to topics relevant to District business.

Per-Speaker Time Limit

A speaker will be given up to five (5) minutes to address the Board. If; however, the total number of speakers seeking to address the Board at a meeting exceeds five (5), the per-speaker time limit may be reduced. In no event will a speaker be given less than one (1) minute to address the Board.

Time for Public Comment

Generally, the Board conducts public comments at the beginning of the Board meetings. However, in the interest of time and the orderly conduct of public business, the Board reserves the right to:

  • Decrease the per-speaker time limit to address the Board.

  • Move comments on non-agenda topics to the end of the meeting.

  • Take items in a different order than shown on the posted meeting notice and agenda.

  • Proceed first with agenda items for which no speakers have signed up to provide comment/address the Board.

  • Recommend that comments/addresses involving the performance of individual District employees or officers be made through the grievance policy.

  • Require that comments/addresses involving personally identifiable student information be made through the grievance policy.

  • Continue a meeting or agenda items to another day in order to allow adequate time for public comment/address.

  • Make other reasonable adjustments to the timing of public comments/addresses in accordance with law.

The Board delegates to it's presiding officer the authority to make reasonable adjustments to the timing and conduct of public comment in accordance with law. [See Policy BED(LOCAL)]

The presiding officer will announce these adjustments in an open meeting.

Written Comments to the Board

In lieu of or in addition to speaking at an open meeting, a member of the public may also submit written comments to the Board regarding District business as follows:

  • In-Person: La Grange ISD Administration Office - 560 North Monroe, La Grange, Texas 78945

  • Mail: La Grange ISD Attn: Board Relations - PO Box 100, La Grange, Texas 78945

  • Facsimile: (979) 968-8155

Conflict of Interest
In order to protect La Grange ISD from the potential undue influence of the business or other financial interest of a school official, public disclosures of our school officials' financial interests are required. The purpose of these disclosures is to provide transparency. Having an interest that requires a disclosure does not imply that a school official has done anything inappropriate or that the district is prohibited from proceeding with a legal transaction. Individual school officials who have a financial relationship with a potential vendor must timely make the disclosures required by law and abstain from participation in the decision-making process. Failure to comply with disclosure requirements exposes a school official to potential criminal penalties. There are three key laws that apply to the conflict of interest disclosure requirements for board members and employees: Chapter 171 of the TX Local Govt Code, Chapter 553, subchapter A of the TX Govt Code and Chapter 176 of the TX Local Govt Code.

Texas Ethics Commission - Conflict of Interest Forms

2023-2024 LGISD Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires
2024-2025 LGISD Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires


La Grange ISD's Board Meeting Notices, Agendas and Minutes can be found by clicking on the Board Book Premier link below. PLEASE NOTE documents relating to minutes will have the word "attachment" listed within the minutes. The attachments are not located within the minutes nor on this site. To view attachments individuals should contact the La Grange ISD Administration Office at 560 North Monroe / PO Box 100, La Grange, Texas 78945 - (979) 968 - 7000 and schedule an appointment.

Board Book Premier