We use this site to help our community become more engaged with our school system, by promoting events and by showing how to obtain event information, both here and through the use of subscriptions (see section below entitled Subscribing to School Calendars.)
The events, if any, listed below are those in the near future. To obtain a list of far more future events, please visit Events in the Menu. In addition to this, you may also download our very popular year-at-a-glance calendar. It is located below the events listed on this page, under the Files section.
Calendars at LGISD
The La Grange ISD website has five main calendars. These calendars are the LGISD District Calendar, High School Calendar, Middle School Calendar, Intermediate School Calendar and Hermes Calendar. Each of these calendars are listed on our sites on the right side of each of their respective pages as Upcoming Events.
Sharing the Calendars
All of the calendars on the LGISD are shared out using various methods. These methods include iCal, Outlook and Google Calendar . This allows the calendars to be synchronized with popular calendars such as Gmail and Outlook (or other calendar that supports iCal). This means that if you have a Gmail account, you can subscribe to these calendars and stay up to date with events at LGISD. This will allow access to events from within a Gmail calendar. If you have Gmail on a smartphone or other device, these events can also be configured to synchronized there as well. A demonstration (screencast) for this subscription process is available here.
Synchronize Gmail or Google App Calendars to iPhone
After you have subscribed to a school calendar, you may have these calendars also go to your iPhone. To accomplish this, you'll need to go to the following site:
Once you go to this site, you should see the newly subscribed calendars. Make sure the check box is selected to sync to your iPhone.