Leopard Stadium (805 S Vail Street) - The stadium is located directly across from the La Grange High School campus. Leopard Stadium also contains the soccer, track, field, and band practice site. See map below.
Baseball Stadium (910 S Vail Street) - The LGISD Baseball Stadium is located just south from the La Grange High School campus on Vail Street and directly across the road from the LGISD Softball Stadium. See map below.
Performing Arts Center (656 E Travis Street)- The LGISD Performing Arts Center (PAC) is located on the north side of the Elementary Campus. It is formally known as the Auditorium.
High School Gymnasium (820 S Vail Street) - The High School Gymnasium is located within the La Grange High School campus. See map below.
Middle School Gymnasium (640 E Eblin) - The Middle School Gymnasium is located on the south end of the Middle School Campus. Access to the gym is from South Vail Street directly west of Leopard Stadium.
Softball (909 S Vail Street) - The LGISD Softball field is located on the south side of Leopard Stadium, adjacent to the LGISD Transportation Facility. See map below.
Tennis Courts (636 Leopard Lane)- The LGISD tennis courts are located on the north east corner of the practice field, which is adjacent to the north side of Leopard Stadium. See map below:
School Board The LGISD school board's regular meeting place has been moved to the Administration building's Board Room at 560 N. Monroe Street.